DEF conducted an ‘Ethnographic Study’ on migrant labourers to assess the impact of Covid-19 crisis on them from diverse perspectives and a way forward. This involved—travelling to most affected states of India—Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. In each state, 4-5 villages were visited, which witnessed substantial number of migrant labourers forced to return due to the crisis. In the process, over 60 migrant labourers were video interviewed collectively in three states—in their natural habitat, while observing and recording their experiences and gathering vital insights. Video documentation was undertaken on Iphone 11 during the 16-day road trip—from 12th June to 27th June—under tough circumstances in which over 3000 kilometres were covered. Following are the observations that the team members Abner Manzar and Ravi Guria compiled during the journey.